Sunday, July 3, 2011


This is going to be a short post with a little update on the progress, and one happy discovery.

We finished hanging all the drywall last night that needs to be hung before the finishers can come do their thing (tape and texture). We do have a plumber coming sometime this week to run a couple lines for a new washer/dryer hookup in the upstairs. He was scheduled to come yesterday but had family come in to town and so I let him off the hook. Once he's done his thing, I can call the finishers to come and then it's time for paint. We painted my bedroom upstairs while kind of waiting, and we'll be laying tile here in a week or so. The carpet can go in once we've painted the basement and Ansley's room, so I think we're still at least a few weeks from being "done." But with a house, I understand, you're never really done, hence the quotation marks.

So the lawn was getting kind of high and it occurred to me that I am responsible for mowing it "so so short" as Ansley put it. The back corner of my lot had a tree with small cherries a couple weeks back that I noticed, but while mowing the lawn on Friday, I discovered that they're ripe and ready. Today after church Ansley and I went and picked about 5 pounds of red cherries. Some were perhaps less ripe, but still edible, so I'd rather have them than letting the birds have their way with MY fruit :)

I asked Ansley to pose with a cherry, and a rather adorable photo resulted.